About Us


Baby Bundles ZW is a registered independent Non-Profit Organisation (MA 001990/2021) that is apolitical. We have an unshakeable passion to practically assist mothers and babies in need during the first few weeks of motherhood and infancy. Baby Bundles aims to alleviate crisis and challenges faced by disadvantaged mothers (who can be teenagers with unwanted pregnancies or survivors of abuse or mothers from poor backgrounds) by providing maternity preparation packs of basic essentials that they are not able to afford at the time of their baby's arrival.

Our mission is to alleviate the crisis and challenges faced by disadvantaged expecting mothers in Zimbabwe through the provision of basic preparation bundles for both mother and baby.

Providing a dignified and positive beginning for every newborn in Zimbabwe.

  • Empathy
  • Honesty
  • Trust 
  • Accountability
  • Empathy
  • Honesty
  • Trust 
  • Accountability

How it all started "Our Story"

  • Jo. 13: 34: . . . As I have loved you, love one another.
  • 1 Cor 13: 13: . . . . Three things will last forever, Faith, Hope and Love– and the greatest of these is Love.

The Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Baby Bundles Foundation Trust, Mrs. Thokozani Nyandoro, a businesswoman based in Harare – Founded Baby Bundles out of a need realized when some relatives gave birth with practically no starter preparation packs for their babies. These babies were born in abject poverty. wrapped in hospital sheets, with no clothes, awaiting help from well-wishers.

The new mothers had no joy at all in welcoming these babies, these innocent souls, these gifts from God. The mothers were full of regrets and misgivings, and some wished that they should have aborted. The question that kept coming up was whether there was a formalization adoption process in Zimbabwe. Who would adopt them? It was no wonder that cases of baby dumping were increasing, as well as stillbirths due to no money to attend antenatal clinics or give birth in hospitals which gives rise to complications at birth.

Baby Bundles was born out of a need to alleviate feelings of desperation, pain, and regrets by disadvantaged mothers, the consequences of which are negative and huge, particularly to innocent babies. Baby Bundles is a registered nonprofit foundation reaching out to disadvantaged expecting mothers in Zimbabwe by giving out baby preparation starter bundles. Baby Bundles brings a ray of hope to a lot of anxious new mothers.

Establishing and running a nonprofit organization is a big job and entails a lot of running around, sourcing and collecting donations, packing them, and distributing them. There is a lot of emotional and physical strain dealing with those vulnerable.

Mrs. Nyandoro. therefore, shared her story and vision with friends and family, who are also mothers, and understood the hassle of getting these necessities for a forthcoming baby. The mothers are now holding hands and working together to see Baby Bundles grow and bring change. joy and hope in sad situations. By so doing we are fulfilling one of the Christian values of Love and spreading love. What we do as Baby Bundles can be small but it’s corning from loving hearts, set on making a positive change in other people’s lives, giving dignity and a positive start to newborn babies irrespective of their circumstances. Building future leaders.

bring a ray of hope to a lot of anxious
new mothers.

Alleviate crisis and challenges faced by disadvantaged mothers by providing maternity preparation
packs of basic essentials that they are not able to afford at the time of their baby’s arrival.